Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pattern Publishing Angst

So, over the past couple of months, I've knitted myself a top out of Malabrigo Organic Cotton.

It fits me better than anything I've ever knit

It has several unique design elements in it that I really, really like.

However, the thought of putting the pattern together for publishing is causing me so much heartache, I can barely stand it. I really soured on the whole designing thing after the More Big Girl Knits experience. Furthermore, hardly anyone knits my patterns and it's really discouraging. I mean what's the point of it all, when you really get right down to it? ;) I'm not really a part of the knitting community (or any community) and I really feel like writing up this pattern would just be a huge waste of time and effort.

So, I guess it's on hiatus for now. I'll keep wearing it to work and I can always write up the pattern later. For now though, it's staying off my rav page and off the blog, in case I get hit with a sudden case of inspiration and decide to submit it to knitty or something.

1 comment:

Patti (from Ottawa) said...

I was browsing Ravelry looking at patterns, and saw someone named ChiralMirror, and wondered who had picked that name, and decided to learn more, and ended up looking at your blog, so I beg to differ. I think you ARE part of the knitting community.

I am DelightInDisorder on Ravelry, by the way...

And I am somewhat face-blind, too. Not 100% or even close but certainly enough to cause some social difficulties.