Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Progress Sans Photos

So I've been knitting a lot this past week, but there's not a whole lot to take a picture of. The two things I have been working on the most are ones I'd like to submit to be published, so I can't really post anything here.

I've also got a lot of Tomato done, but it's basically just a large piece of dark brown cotton. Not very photogenic. It's also killing my elbow and wrists knitting cotton that tightly so I'm giving it a break in favor of alpaca, merino and kureyon. mmm.

I ordered more yarn to dye today. I also got a ledger to keep track of expenses and income. My guess is that the former will far outpace the latter unless there is luck. I'm trying to decide whether to go for a business license. It doesn't really seem worth all the paperwork.

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